Over 20 years of experience

Working In the Fields of Landscape Architecture, Community Participatory Design, Ecological Planning, Historic Preservation and Higher Education.

Asarum knows that generous listening, compassionate sharing and collaborative design are three of the most important tools we employ as a design team.

We Seek To:

Strengthen Community Cohesion
Grow Civic Leadership
Nourish Healthy Futures

“We cannot protect something we do not love, we cannot love what we do not know, and we cannot know what we do not see. Or hear. Or sense.”

-Richard Louv, The Nature Principle

To build and promote community stewardship, we facilitate citizen driven, asset based planning and design solutions that inspire individual investment, foster public ownership and strengthen and empower local leadership.

Our engagement process honors diversity, invites civic engagement and provides the time needed to identify, from within, existing social networks, individual interests and unique community strengths and talents. Our approach provides opportunities for sharing, dreaming and creatively designing new possibilities for the enhancement and celebration of place.

Asarum’s clients include non-profits, educational organizations, businesses and residents— young and old alike— who want to make a profound and lasting difference for the future of their community.

In a nutshell – Asarum continually generates opportunities to dream, make and realize new possibilities that increase and sustain our collective social, environmental and economic futures. We intentionally promote the beauty and unique sense of place that sustains the health and wellness of our homes, neighborhoods & natural environment.